
This is a guest post from Hannah Copues. Hannah is a travel writer and student from the UK. She has a passion for all things travel and loves nothing better than sharing her experiences with others.

Who says you have to scrimp and save for that magical holiday you’ve long been pining for? Further, does splashing out on extortionately priced accommodation (as luxurious and attractive it may be) really serve as the most important element to transform your holiday experience? They’re really quite simple questions! Take it from the expert. Broke and budgeting, but bewildered by the prospect of holidaying in Phuket, I still managed to have the experience of a lifetime…..and it lasted a total of THREE WEEKS!

Read the rest! \(^u^)/ →


In Japan, the Emperor says hello on 26th December (his birthday) and 2nd January (to send his wishes for the new year). He opens up the grounds of the Imperial Palace on these 2 days for the public to go along and get a glimpse inside (usually you can only visit the gardens of the Palace or get an official tour inside).

I went along on the 2nd Jan 2011 to have a look and this is what I was greeted with… Read the rest! \(^u^)/ →


Imperial Palace outlook Tower in Tokyo Japan


Japanese Lucky Bags

January 18, 2011 · 9 comments

To celebrate new years. In Japan, stores offer lucky bags. Lucky bags are sealed bags with merchandise from the store for sale at a discounted price. Usually the minimum you get is 3-4x the value of the bag inside. So if the bag costs 1000Y, then you will likely get 3-4000Y of stuff inside. If it costs 10000Y, then you can expect 30-40000Y of products inside, often more! Read the rest! \(^u^)/ →



January 13, 2011 · 7 comments

Lanzarote is a Canary Island just off the coast of Africa (although it is Spanish territory). I have been once before in my mid-teens and from what I remember it’s a great place to drive around with new roads, and the rest of it is mostly beaches – not much activity but great for relaxing. You will need to book flights to Lanzarote as it is an island, no land option unfortunately!

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